《布利斯》 - 极速资源: 点击下方剧集即可播放
  • 片名
  • 布利斯
  • 导演
  • 雷·劳伦斯
  • 主演
  • 巴里·奥托,琳内特·柯伦,HelenJones,吉娅·卡迪斯,MilesBuchanan,JeffTruman,TimRobertson,布莱恩·马歇尔,JonEwing,克里·沃克,PaulChubb,SarahDeTeliga,SaskiaPost,GeorgeWhaley,RobertMenzies
  • 地区
  • 澳大利亚
  • 年代
  • 1985
    • 状态
    • 正片

 布利斯_剧情介绍 :

An advertising executive dies and goes to hell... except nothing changes. Well, his daughter is buying drugs with sexual favours from her brother, and the number of cancer-causing products is on the increase. But the notes he writes to himself to prove he hasn't gone insane are getting more disjointed, and he runs off with an ex-prostitute called Honey Barbera. Written by David...

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